WOW! Can't believe Rowyn is 2! You will always be my baby (even thought I want to erase the first 18 months from my memory ;)
Interesting tidbits about "me" at 2!
~I am stubborn
~I want to be just like my big sister
~I can go on the potty
~I like backugauns
~I LOVE Scooby Doo and The Backyardigans
~I LOVE my babies
~I liked to be sang to at night time and my favorite song is "Hush Little Baby"...I just say "sing, sing, sing, sing..." until someone starts singing...most of the time it is my big sister
~I would wear my rubber boats and winter jacket 12 months of the year
~I have been in a big girl bed since I was 9 months old
~I like to eat almost anything but lately I have been a little fussy
~I LOVE my babysitters
~I like to crawl into my babies cradle and rock
~I LOVE my pink blankie
~I need to know "why"
~I like to put things back where they belong...not like my big sister
~I LOVE being outside
~I LOVE my BFF and ask for him everyday and want to go home with him and is mommy every time I see them
~I LOVE to be chased
~I have fallen a lot
~I don't cry unless I a really hurt
~Did I mention I was stubborn?
~I am usually happy in the morning
~I LOVE to shower with my big sister
~I LOVE to play with things I shouldn't like keys and wallets
~I understand everything and I am sneaky
~I LOVE to scream
~I like to be hugged and kissed when I want not at everyone else's convenience
~I sleep through the night...kind of
~I talk a lot
~A few of my favourite sayings are "Leave alone me" "I be back" "Why?" "Sissy" "Anesa" "P" "Ben Den" "I come?"
~I like to sing...Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Scoobey Doo theme songs...I also like Mama Mia like my sissy
~I know what I want
In Case You Missed It | January 17
4 days ago
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