Sunday, June 5, 2011


It was really our first nice day in a long time!!!! I was so happy to be able to spend sometime outside with the girls! We went to the park and enjoyed the seasonal weather(something that has been forgein to us this spring/summer)! And the sunshine doesn't appear to be forcasted again any time in the near future (insert pouting here)!
During these raining, hailing, cold, cloudy and depressing weeks of early summer (insert crying here) I am trying to get some of the projects I have let go over the school year complete or lets face it started! Unfortunuately, I am struggling finding time to do this and I am getting discourged as I feel that my pictures really just sit on my computer... I take more and more pictures and there they sit! SUMMER GOAL #1 (I will probably have a few knowing is to hoping I can get one finished) I am going to have these things finished by the time we start back to school in August (I know this is a pretty big commintent considering we aren't even done school yet ;)).
1. 2010 collage
2. 2010 Photobook
3. Project 52
4. Pictures ordered
5. Bedding
6. Headboard
7. 2011 photobooks for each girl complete up until August
8. One Little Word
9. Trip to Missouri photobook

What are your "catch up" goals for the summer?

This is a really long list for a procrastinator like myself but I may as well stop taking pictures if I don't start finishing some of the things that I start!

Anyway, enough with my ranting about what a slacker I am!
Here a my girls...
Lovin' the swings!
Lovin' the sunshine!
Lovin the squeals!
Lovin' the thought of summer holidays knocking on our door!
Lovin' this park!


Ashley Sisk said...

You've got quite a list there...and I love these photos.

penandview said...

lovin' those swing pics! I have an entire collection of swing pics! These are fabulous! My summer catch up list is too long to write here. :)

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