Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok...today I thought that I would try and change the slideshow on my blog! Well, it turns out that I don't have the patience for it! Tried a couple times...I am sure you can tell by the wacky things that my slideshow is doing now! I was somehow smart enough to copy and paste the old "codes" so that when my new ones flopped I had that to fall back on...lol! But it looks like I didn't quite get it right :) I am going to keep trying until I get it so...don't judge me...;)


Ashley Sisk said...

Hey girl - you asked about buying a print...or did you want a canvas? I haven't gotten my shop fully loaded but if you'd like a print/canvas, send me an email. Let me know what size you want and I'll put together a price. I'd love to send you one!

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CoffeeShop Designs